The Business Master (4th Edition)
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178 lines
In order to be compatible with different check forms, HBMS
requires instructions on what information you want to print, and where
to locate it. You must supply HBMS with this information in the form
of a text file named PRCHECK.HBM.
You can use any word processing program that creates pure "ASCII"
files to create PRCHECK.HBM. It can contain up to 40 lines of
instructions. Each line consists of three items and should be in the
following format:
Number of CRLF's, Number of SPACES to skip, INSTRUCTION
Each of the above three items must be separated by one and ONLY ONE
space. Do NOT include the commas. The "Number of CRLF's" refers to
carriage return/line feeds. It represents how many lines you want to
step down from the last position of the printhead. The "Number of
SPACES to skip" refers to how many spaces to step from the last
printed field on your check. "INSTRUCTION" refers to either an item
to print, or a print command. If you enter "2" for the number of
CRLF's, and "10" for the number of spaces to skip, the instruction
would be executed at 2 lines down from the last printhead position and
10 spaces from the left margin. The INSTRUCTIONS are not case
sensitive and only the first three characters are necessary. You can
use the rest of the line for comments. HBMS executes each line in
succession. This means a printer command must come before the item(s)
it is intended to affect. Also there are NO BLANK LINES ALLOWED, EACH
INSTRUCTION "END". The other instructions you can send to HBMS are
listed on the next page.
HBMS will look for PRCHECK.HBM on the current drive\directory (the
same directory you run HBMS from), when you make the first request to
print a check. If found and loaded, it will check each line for a
valid instruction. If HBMS finds an instruction it cannot understand,
an error message indicating the line number of the problem will be
displayed. By necessity, creating a successful PRCHECK.HBM file is a
trial and error process. It requires that you:
(1) Create and/or edit PRCHECK.HBM
(2) Run HBMS
(3) Print a sample check to see if it meets your expectations.
You probably won't have everything placed right on the first attempt.
This trial and error process can become a frustrating experience, but
it is necessary to allow flexibility in check forms. I suggest that
you print a check from the "VIEW" mode of Ledger Posting, and use
regular paper until you get the desired results. You should be able
to hold a regular sheet of paper and your check forms up to the light
to compare them.
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The instructions that HBMS understands are:
Instruction Length Meaning
----------- ------ -----------------------------------------
MONth 2 Month (in digits)
DAY 2 Day (in digits)
SYR 2 Short form of year (last two digits)
LYR 4 Long form of year (1988)
DATe 8 Full date (10/01/88)
CK# 4 Check number
PAYee 40 Source description
AMO 10 Amount of check in digits
SCRipt * Amount of check in script
MEMo 40 Target description
BALance 10 Balance of account after check was written
$$$ 1 The currency symbol "$"
END 0 Tells HBMS this is the last line. MANDATORY!
S50 0 Script field length of 50
S60 0 Script field length of 60
S70 0 Script field length of 70 {DEFAULT}
S80 0 Script field length of 80
S90 0 Script field length of 90
INItialize 0 Initialize printer
LF8 0 1/8th inch line feed
LF6 0 1/6th inch line feed {DEFAULT}
PICa 0 Pica print pitch {DEFAULT}
ELIte 0 Elite print pitch
CD+ 0 Condensed print ON
CD- 0 Condensed print OFF {DEFAULT}
IT+ 0 Italics print ON
IT- 0 Italics print OFF {DEFAULT}
DS+ 0 Double strike print ON
DS- 0 Double strike print OFF {DEFAULT}
The "script field length" instructions need further explanation.
When HBMS prints a scripted amount that does not take up the full
field, it pads the right side with "*" characters for security
reasons. If the check amount is large, the script representation
could be very long and take up more room than the default field length
of 70 spaces. If this happens, HBMS will print out the entire script,
but it will possibly throw off the spacing of any other fields on the
same line. Even in condensed pitch it may be hard to fit long script
amounts on your check form. However, most amounts under $100,000.00
can be handled in 60 spaces. One example that would take 57 spaces is
want to specify a script field length other than the default of 70,
this "length" instruction must come before the actual script
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The following 15 lines of instructions are an example of a
3 8 CK# line feed 3 times, move 8 spaces and print check number
0 39 DATe do not line feed, step 39 spaces and print date
0 0 ELI change to elite pitch (12 cpi)
2 9 PAYee 2 line feeds, 9 spaces, and print to whom check was made
0 0 PICa change back to pica pitch (10 cpi)
0 2 $$$ 2 spaces on same line and print a currency symbol
0 0 AMO immediately print how much check was written for
0 0 S60 set script field length to 60
0 0 CD+ change to condensed pitch (17 cpi) for script & memo
0 0 IT+ set italics print on for script
2 2 SCR 2 line feeds, 2 spaces and print amount in words(script)
0 0 IT- turn italics off
2 8 MEMo 2 line feeds, 8 spaces and print what check was for
0 0 CD- turn condensed off
5 0 END tell HBMS this is the last line (required!)
The above file of instructions will instruct HBMS to print a check
similar to the example below. The labels "Chk#:", "Date:", "Payee:",
and "Memo" are assumed to be existing on the form already, and the
different font sizes are of course not represented.
| |
| Chk#: 1001 Date: 10/01/88 |
| |
| Payee: Corner Drug Store $ 14.95 |
| |
| FOURTEEN AND 95/100 **************************************** |
| |
| Memo: School supplies |
6404 Mornay Dr.
Tampa, FL 33615-3426
(813) 886-2282
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